Friday, September 28, 2012

True Terror: The Amityville Horror

While I was bored and temporarily separated from access to horror movies, I started thinking about some of the films I've seen that are based on true stories, or so they say.  So I decided to start a short series that I can update from time to time on movies that are (dramatic music) true terror.

The Amityville Horror (and all of its dozens of remakes and sequels). 
The terror: Basically, this movie (which I'll review down the line, no doubt) , based off of a "true" novel takes place in the quiet, bayside town of Amityville, NY, and recounts the story of a young Lutz family that moves into a charming, old home (to this day those wedge-shaped windows next to chimneys on houses terrify me), but the father slowly goes mad as the entire family is haunted and harrassed by a series of paranormal happenings.  Various versions include an entrance to hell in the basement, while others more midly solve the dilemma with a simple burial ground located on the grounds where the house now stands.  Classic!  Throw in a priest, creepy effects, the whole "true story" bit, and you have yourself a great film.  I especially like the "catch 'em, kill 'em" bit utilized in some versions.

The truth: In 1974, 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo, Jr. of Amityville, NY burst into a local bar screaming that his parents had been shot.  When a group of townspeople came with him back to his home, his parents had indeed been shot, along with 4 of his siblings.  All dead in their beds, lying face down on their stomachs.  The police caught on pretty quickly that Ronald Jr.'s story wasn't adding up, and that he was guilty for the murders.  I'm not sure how the case turned out, but I do know that they tried pleading insanity... or possession
Anywho, a few years later the actual Lutz family moves into the house (at a bargain price!!) and shortly thereafter claim to begin experiencing supernatural phenomena.  In some versions they have a priest come bless the house, and he senses an evil spirit, but even this is up for debate.  The whole family claims to have experienced various problems, injuries, hauntings, fly infestations, and ooze dripping from doors/ walls/ ceilings.  I don't know that any proof exists to their stories, but they did move out pretty quickly, and it is their "true" story that the book and then multiple movies recount.
I do know that my friend's mom was growing up in a nearby town on Long Island at the time, and she said that all the local kids would go to the property, try to break in, pull pranks, and get scared.  According to her, though, it wasn't scary at all and they didn't believe anything supernatural really happened.  (Cue more dramatic music!)

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